Preparing for Home Ownership


"Nothing changes if nothing changes." ⁣

Ready to become a homeowner but feel overwhelmed with where to start? Not any more! This is the month you move towards your home-owning dreams! ⁣

Here are 5 baby steps you can knock out now to get prepared.⁣

(What’s even better? You can do all these right on your smartphone!)⁣

  • ⁣Calculate what you can afford. Most experts recommend using 25% of your income on housing.⁣

  • Pull a credit report, check it for errors, and identify small debts you can pay off quickly. You’ll want it to be accurate since lenders use it to determine mortgage suitability.⁣

  • Create a wants vs. needs list (family input recommended!).⁣

  • Narrow down your geographic search radius.⁣

  • Take a look at your savings, monthly budget buffer, and down payment options.⁣

⁣Buying a home is one of the best things you can do for your financial health! Don’t stay stuck - follow these baby steps and please reach out if you have questions.

Chris Clanton